Since 1969, Jeff Newman, founder of Jeffran Music & Jeffran College of Pedal Steel, has been teaching and writing pedal steel instruction since 1969. In that time he has created the;
» first pedal steel guitar tabulature
» first pedal steel guitar mail order courses
» first pedal steel guitar seminars
» first pedal steel guitar week long resident classes
» first pedal steel guitar videos
We have more written, audio and video material available than any other
company in the pedal steel guitar business.
Our address:
Jeffran College
11214 Travis Gulch Drive
Charlotte, NC 28277
Office hours:
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM central time.
We also have a codaphone to take messages and orders when we are not in the office. We will call you back if you need answers to any questions.
We have a regular talk line, 704-543-6059, you can call for questions or assistance about anything. If you want to place an order or have questions about our courses we have a toll free number 800-373-3418. We reserve the 800 number for the orders only. Please respect that. We accept Visa and Mastercard phone orders.